Stolas – Medusa

Found these guys on LinkedIn. Yeah…LinkedIn. Saw the guitar player’s photo on my stream and thought, “That guy’s got to be a musician.” Turns out I was right and his band kicks absolute ass.
Nelly Niel
When The Mrs. and I travel to bigger cities, we always stop and listen to anybody that is performing music on the street. Even if they suck, we’ll still throw in at least a buck or two to help the cause. If we came across this guy – the unknown genius Nelly Niel – ripping […]
Oberon Ale

This Pale Wheat Ale pours a cloudy golden color with lots of little floaters swirling about. Lots of carbonation here. Pulled it right from the fridge and poured a bit heavy and foam shot to the top of the glass and flowed over the rim and all over my kitchen counter. My wife notices and […]
Schloss Eggenberg Samichlaus – Classic

With an alcohol content of 14% this one will get ya. This Dopplebock pours a dark maple color with virtually no head at all. It was there for just a second and then it left a very slight visible ring around the glass.
Yo Momma

If ya haven’t figured out, me & Big Swole go way back. For as long as I can remember we have been throwing stupid funny shit back and forth at each other with a large portion being based in an insult. You know…it’s just what guys do. I heard a Yo Momma joke a couple […]
Signature Smoked Porter

This porter from Choc Brewey pours a rich dark brown – think dark fudge – with a nice foamy, light tawny head that gradually shows a bit of lacing. I abolutely love the deep color of this brew. Sorry for no pic of the glass. Its a SMOKED porter allright. The woody smoky aroma really […]
Scatterbrain – Don’t Call Me Dude
All Big Swole had to do was mention the band Scatterbrain in his post about Psychostick and it sent me on a path down a memory highway that I have not driven down in years. It was fueled with way too much shitty beer, packs and packs of Marlboro Reds and countless hours jamming to […]
Miner Mishap Black Lager

This black lager from Choc pours a very dark brown – damn near black – with just a little carbonation. It had a head for about a minute or so and then it settled down and looked alot like stout with a nice ring of creamy bubbles around the edges of the glass. I am […]
Mnemic – Diesel Uterus
I have been a huge fan of the Danish metal band Mnemic after stumbling across them on a late night YouTube music binge. I dug it so much I went out a grabbed a copy Sons of The System the very next day and put the entire album on repeat for a week or two. […]
Trombone Shorty
Was frying some fish last night and I needed some fish frying music to really do it right. Since P and I have been talking about New Orleans lately, and I had my fingers in fresh fish with a pot of grits on the stove, I was going for soul or funk. A few […]