This black lager from Choc pours a very dark brown – damn near black – with just a little carbonation.  It had a head for about a minute or so and then it settled down and looked alot like stout with a nice ring of creamy bubbles around the edges of the glass. I am so used to very dark beers having a heavy aroma, and this one threw me. I barely got anything when it came right out of the fridge, but after a few minutes of settling I got a little smoke and something earthy like hops or yeast. So faint it was really hard to nail.

Tastes are moderate out of the gate with malted barley, just a touch of smoke, and a nice subtle chocolate finish on the end. Taste doesn’t sit in the mouth for very long. From the looks of the beer it seems like it should be creamy, but its a bit flat and watery. That said, I nor the beer felt heavy after drinking 2 like a stout or porter would. Cold is a no go here.

Ya definitly gotta let this one warm up just a bit to get the full flavor rolling. Even though it opens up after a few minutes in the glass, still not a favorite but it is a decent beer and pretty easy on the pocket.

Miner Mishap Black Lager
Beer-Type: Black Lager
ABV: 5.30%

Choc Brewery
Country: USA

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